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Welcome to AlSanabel community!

The company allows the public to know the level of the industrial technology and to identify the requirements and quality standards in the production processes and contribute to support and encourage academic and technical education through activating the programs of field visits to the company where visitors can see and know closely on the production processes and technical procedures for the production stages and work requirements and the ideal industrial environment to provide food products of high quality . This activity comes from the company's belief in social responsibility and its role in promoting knowledge and awareness of national industries and supporting the community.
Yemen Company for Flour Mills and Silos - Aden:
Republic of Yemen
Aden - AlMualla’a
Phone: (009672) 244400
Fax: (009672) 244155
Yemen Company for Flour Mills and Silos - AL Hodeida:
Republic of Yemen
AL Hodeida - AlShaam Street
Phone:(009673) 21422
Fax: (009673) 211417
Al Hodeida Mills Co Ltd.:
Republic of Yemen
AL Hodeida - AlShaam Street
Phone:(009673) 21422
Fax: (009673) 211417